Donation Campaign: Support the Publication of a book on Ecclesiastical Artefacts

As part of the mission of the Balkan Heritage Foundation, we support initiatives which promote and disseminate important information in the fields of archaeology, conservation and preservation.

We have been approached by our collaborator Asst. Prof. Dr. Christos Karydis from the Ionian University with a request to publish the proceedings of the most recent International Meeting for Conservation & Documentation of Ecclesiatical Artefacts (IMCDEA). The meeting in 2016 was attended by research scientists and enterprises who presented different perspectives and applications in conservation, preventive conservation and scientific analysis of artefacts. This meeting was not only an opportunity to share knowledge and expertise, but also a pivotal step toward building an effective platform for communication and cooperation among the scientific community worldwide.

The creation of an electronic publication of the proceedings would allow the developments in preservation and documentation presented at this meeting to reach a wider audience.

The cost to create this publication (proofreading, design and administrative costs), is 3004 EUR (approximate 3587 USD). Please help by contributing to this BHF project. To make a donation online, please go to, select Balkan Heritage Fund as the designation and add IMCDEA under Justification.

As a non-profit organization, the Balkan Heritage Foundation relies on donors like you to help us in our mission to support the protection, management and promotion of cultural heritage in SE Europe.

Your contribution is vital to the success of our initiative! Give today! Every contribution counts!