Prospective Partners   

Balkan Heritage Foundation (BHF) is open to establishing sustainable partnerships with institutions, organizations or researchers interested in development of joint field school projects concerning Balkan cultural heritage or in the collaboration within the existing Balkan Heritage field schools.   


BHF can support by several means (financially, administratively, technically, with specialists and volunteers, etc.):   

  • an ongoing archaeological, conservation, documentation or cultural resources management project (including excavations, conservation workshops, field surveys, ethnographic, archaeological. art historical or other types of expeditions related to Balkan cultural heritage, etc.);   
  • a newly established one.       

Any proposal for a good combination of an educational and research/conservation/cultural resources management projects having potential for sustainability, positive impact over students, heritage workers (could be scholars, researchers, conservators, museum curators etc.) and local communities, backed up by a strongly motivated team/group of professionals is welcome.


 BHF Priorities and Requirements for Supporting a New Project:

1. The team proposing a new project should:

  • be proactive and willing to conduct a field school along with the project proposed;
  • respect and support the educational priorities of the joint project;
  • be ready to follow the main principles and standards of contemporanean archaeology, conservation, restoration, documentation, etc;
  • be friendly, cooperative, ready to share knowledge, skills, ideas and ready to assist the further academic development of the students through advice, recommendations or contacts;
  • have a good level of English language (official language of BHFS Program)      

2. The project should be sustainable, planned as long-lasting and corresponding to the mission of the Balkan Heritage Foundation;      

3. The object in focus (site, monument, artifact, cultural practice etc.) should provide good study and training opportunities;      

4. The project should be located in an area accessible for standard vehicles such as cars and vans and provide options for comfortable accommodation facilities with separate two to four bedded rooms with WC and showers and Internet access.


What We Expect from You?

To represent a team or a group of professionals with a project idea that meets the requirements mentioned above.

To submit a proposal, send an e-mail to: [email protected] with the subject: Proposal for Cooperation in English or Bulgarian, briefly describing your project/workshop/expedition. The BHF board of directors and the BHFS advisory board will consider the proposal and will respond as soon as possible. If it meets both the requirements mentioned above and current BHF development policy & capacity, we’ll be glad to work on it further. 

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