Balkan Heritage Field School (BHFS) has the advantage of being affiliated with academic institutions in Bulgaria, Canada and the USA. The following universities award academic credits to students who participate in BHFS projects: New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria; Connecticut College through the Institute for Field Research, USA; and Queen's University, Canada. Participants who are not interested in academic credits are not expected neither to pay the additional cost of the universities' tuition fees nor to take part in activities related to academic curriculum (exams, academic reports, etc.).
The Balkan Heritage Foundation signed, in 2009, an affiliation agreement with New Bulgarian University (NBU). Through this agreement, Balkan Heritage Field School (BHFS) has been providing students the opportunity to obtain by request ECTS credits awarded by NBU for their participation in all the BHFS projects. The Centre for Professional and Continuing Education (CCE), NBU grants between 3 to 12 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) for attendance of different BHFS projects. It issues Transcript of Records (ToR) and transfers the credit hours to the student and the student’s home institution for an additional fee - please, refer to the Instructions for obtaining Transcripts of Records issued by the New Bulgarian University below. Syllabi are available upon request.
Please contact your academic advisor prior to requesting credits to ensure that these ECTS are accepted and recognised by your university.
New Bulgarian University (est. 1991) is a modern Bulgarian academic institution with undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs in the humanities and social sciences, natural sciences, new technologies as well as arts. Since 2004, New Bulgarian University has been the exclusive representative for Bulgaria of the Open University (UK) in the field of distance education.
As a part of the New Bulgarian University Program, all the Balkan Heritage Field School projects meet high educational standards. Quality of education is guaranteed by the professionalism, experience and reputation of instructors in charge and project monitoring and evaluation performed by the Department of Archaeology, NBU.
NBU tuition fees for three / six / nine / twelve academic credits are as follows:
In 2015, Balkan Heritage Foundation (BHF), Bulgaria, and the Institute for Field Research (IFR), USA started a strategic partnership and created the BHF-IFR Program for the Balkans. Thanks to this Program, students, when enrolled through Institute for Field Research (IFR) and attending specific field school sessions which are included in the BHF-IFR Program for the Balkans can now earn up to 8 US semester credit units. These credit units are awarded by the IFR's academic partner – Connecticut College. In addition, these students shall be covered under all relevant insurance policies issued by IFR.
For more information, please contact the Balkan Heritage Admissions Officer by e-mail at: [email protected]
In 2025, 6.0 Queen’s University credits (1 term) are available for qualified Queen's University students (fourth-year undergraduate students and Graduate/Master's students) attending the Stobi Excavation. Interested students are asked to please contact the head instructor, Dr. George Bevan ([email protected]) for more information as soon as possible. Students must have at least second year standing and permission of the Department of Classics, Queen’s University, to register.
NB! All non-Queen's University students participating in the Stobi Excavation Project can obtain academic credit units through either New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria or Connecticut College.
For more information, please contact the Balkan Heritage Admissions Officer by e-mail at: [email protected]
New Bulgarian University (NBU) provides 3, European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) credits for one-week sessions, 6 for two-week sessions, 9 for three-week sessions and 12 ECTS credits for four-week project sessions at the Balkan Heritage Field School. Transcripts of Records (ToR) can be obtained upon request for an additional tuition fee, applicable to students globally, except for project sessions included in the BHF-IFR Program for the Balkans. For these specific project sessions, NBU can only sponsor academic credits for students studying in Europe (EU, EEA, CH, and countries from the Western Balkans, Eastern Europe, and Southern Caucasus). Other students attending these projects are eligible to obtain US credit units only.
US credit units are available to all students. To obtain US credit units students must enroll through the Institute for Field Research (IFR), USA or Center for Field Sciences (CFS). They will be awarded up to 8 semester credit units (equivalent to 12 quarter units) through our academic partners Connecticut College and Culver-Stockton College respectively and will receive a letter grade. The tuition fees is included in the IFR and CFS admission fees.
Participants in the BHFS who do not need academic credit units are not expected to pay for them.
NBU (Bulgaria) | Connecticut College through IFR (USA) | Queen's University (Canada) | Culver-Stockton College through CFS (USA) | |
Ancient Greeks in the Land of Dionysos - Excavation of Emporion Pistiros |
12 ECTS* |
8 US semester credit units (equivalent to 12 quarter credit units) |
| NA |
12 ECTS* |
NA |
NA | 8 semester credit units |
Birth of Europe - Excavations at the Neolithic site of Amzabegovo | 9 ECTS* | NA | NA | 6 semester credit units |
''Fresco-Hunting'' Photo Research Expedition to Medieval Balkan Churches
6 ECTS* |
NA |
| 4 semester credit units |
Exploring the Land of the Levantines: History and Archaeology of Medieval Chios | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Photogrammetry Workshop | 6 ECTS* | NA | NA | NA |
12 ECTS* |
8 US semester credit units (equivalent to 12 quarter credit units) |
6 semester credit units | NA |
Tell Yunatsite Excavations – Seeking Europe's First Civilization
Session 1 and 2: 6 ECTS* Session 3: 12 ECTS* |
NA |
NA | Session 3: 8 semester credit units |
Underwater Archaeology Field School in the Black Sea
9 ECTS* |
8 US semester credit units (equivalent to 12 quarter credit units) |
NA | NA |
Workshop for Architectural Conservation of Archaeological Sites | 6 ECTS* | NA | NA | NA |
6 ECTS* |
NA |
NA | 4 semester credit units |
9 ECTS* |
4 US semester credit units (equivalent to 8 quarter credit units) |
NA | NA |
9 ECTS* |
NA |
NA | 4 US semester credit units |
Workshops for Interventive & Preventive Conservation of Metal |
6 ECTS* |
NA |
NA | 4 US semester credit units |
Workshops for Interventive & Preventive Conservation of Paper |
6 ECTS* |
NA |
NA | 4 US semester credit units |
Workshops for Interventive & Preventive Conservation of Textiles |
6 ECTS* |
NA |
NA | 4 US semester credit units |
Workshops for Interventive & Preventive Conservation of Metal, Paper and Textiles |
9 ECTS* |
NA |
NA | 6 US semester credit units |
Workshop for Physicochemical Analysis of Metal Objects and Ceramics |
Session 1 and 2: 3 ECTS* Sessions 3: 6 ECTS* |
NA |
NA | NA |
ECTS = European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System
* All the documents can be mailed to any address worldwide via DHL courier upon request for an additional fee according to the current DHL shipping rates.